BIM Development

A key component of BIM detailing is the use of libraries of pre-built parts and products. With Crosswalk®, BIM detailers can easily access, organize, and share their essential libraries and translate data between industry standards.

How software companies use Crosswalk with BIM

Collectus, a Crosswalk partner, organizes their library of 20,000+ asset parameters in Revit with MasterFormat, and uses Crosswalk to create an automatic workflow to convert Revit asset parameter data from MasterFormat® to UniFormat® and OmniClass®. While architects and engineers typically create Revit files using MasterFormat to manage the classifications of assets in their models, contractors receiving models may prefer using UniFormat organizing principles, and facility owners may prefer receiving their as-built Revit models classified in OmniClass®️. By integrating Crosswalk with the Collectus software, Collectus users can easily and efficiently navigate stakeholder needs by translating assets to the workgroup’s prevailing standard.

